Dear Resident(s),

We will shortly be introducing ‘The New Collection’ (Het Nieuwe Inzamelen) into your complex. This means that it will soon be even easier for you to separate your waste. This letter is to tell you about the changes you can expect.

Why are we introducing The New Collection?

The Municipality of Delft wants there to be less residual waste and for more waste to be separated. Reusing raw materials is better for the environment and at the same time helps limit the cost increases for waste.

What does this mean for you?

  • In the complex where you live, there are containers for VFG (GFT), old paper and residual waste. We will soon be adding containers for PMD, so that you can separate more types of waste. PMD stands for Plastic, Metal and Drinks waste, which consists mainly of packaging and cartons.
  • Containers for glass and textiles can be found on the neighbourhood perimeter or near a shopping centre. In the Avalex App, there is an overview of all containers in the area under the ‘Container locations’ menu. You can download the app from the Google Play Store or the App Store. You can also find a map showing the locations of all containers at

If you want to know what kind of waste belongs in which container, please visit

Together we will get more out of waste.

Kind regards,
Avalex Customer Contact Centre