I made an appointment for bulky waste, but it hasn't been picked up. What should I do?

We are committed to providing a good service. However, there are times when a bulky waste appointment does not go as planned. Perhaps the bulky waste or the location was different to what our personnel expected. We do understand that this is inconvenient for you. So please call us on 0900-0507 or fill in the contact form and we will resolve the matter with you as quickly as possible.

There are a number of possible explanations as to why the bulky waste was not collected. We begin collections from 07.30 in the morning, so the bulky waste must be put out before 07.30 at a place on the public road accessible for the refuse collection lorry. If bulky waste is on private property, such as your front yard or in a driveway, then our personnel are not allowed to take it. This is to avoid confusing bulky waste with items you may not want to dispose of.

You cannot put out items from waste streams such as glass, stone, rubble, car tyres (without rims only), sleepers, bitumen, roof waste, Eternit, grass sods, asbestos and chemical waste. All these types of waste materials should be taken to the recycling centre. We also cannot accept earth, soil and sand (not even at the recycling centre) because it has to be specially tested.

For more information, please see the rules for putting out bulky waste.