What is being done about route optimization?

In the future, information from the sensors will enable us to take the next step: dynamic routes. Based on the sensor information, the software then comes up with the best collection routes for each day. We now know which underground and aboveground containers fill up quickly, so we will be able to calculate in advance which containers will be emptied at what time. And we can also receive a signal that tells us if a container is suddenly full. Based on that, we can map out a route. Of course, all this will not happen overnight. There will be a period in which both our drivers and our residents will have to get used to this.

At present, the underground and aboveground containers are emptied at a fixed frequency. But that will be changing. Soon, our drivers will only go to a container if it needs emptying. In that sense, the route will be determined by the containers that are almost full. It will also take some time for our residents to get used to it. They might see an Avalex refuse collection lorry driving right past the containers, without emptying them all. It’s a whole new way of collecting waste!