Alternative Nootdorp

The recycling centre in Nootdorp will be closed as of January 1, 2024. On this page you will find alternatives where you can bring your bulky waste and small chemical waste (SCW).

Avalex recycle centres

You are welcome at all our locations with your (digital) Avalex pass. The recycling centers in Rijswijk and Delft are nearby and have longer opening hours:


Laan van ‘s-Gravenmade 9, 2495 BD Den Haag

Monday to Saturday: 8 AM-5 PM


Voltaweg 11, 2627 BD Delft

Monday to Saturday: 8 AM-5 PM

More information can be found at Opening hours of recycling centres - Avalex

Mobile recycling centre

Does your bulky waste and small chemical waste (SCW) fit in a shopping bag? In addition to the regular Avalex recycling centres the mobile recycling centre may also be a solution. You can bring wood (such as a photo frame), metal (such as a frying pan), plastic (such as a flower box), small electrical appliances (such as a hair dryer), SCW (such as paint cans and batteries), frying fat, old paper and cardboard to this 'market cart' . Please note, the quantity must fit in a large shopping bag. You can take larger items to the recycling centre in Rijswijk or Delft with your Avalex pass. You do not need to book in advance to visit the mobile recycling centre and it is free.

Aanbiedregels mobiele milieustraat

De mobiele milieustraat is alleen bedoeld voor klein grofvuil en KCA daarom gelden de volgende regels:

  • Neem maximaal twee bigshopper tassen met spullen mee. Gebruik geen grotere tassen want dan kan de afmeting van de meegebrachte spullen te groot zijn om in te kunnen leveren.
  • Sorteer je spullen zoveel mogelijk voor.
  • Apparaten zoals magnetrons, kopieerapparaten en Tl-buizen zijn te groot en kun je naar de reguliere milieustraat brengen.
  • Voor auto-accu’s of drukhouders/gasflessen gelden aparte vervoersregels en deze kun je alleen bij de milieustraat inleveren.
  • Twijfel je over de afmeting? Breng het dan naar de milieustraat. Bij de mobiele milieustraat worden geen uitzonderingen gemaakt. 
  • Geen betaalde stromen als bouw- en sloopafval, gips, puin, enz.

The mobile recycling centre is located one day a month in Nootdorp, one day a month in Pijnacker and one day in Delfgauw. The dates, location and time in Nootdorp, Pijnacker and Delfgauw are:

Market (near tram stop)
8:30 AM – 2:00 PM
LET OP: vanaf 2025 op donderdag
8:30 AM – 2:00 PM
Gouden Rijderplein
8:30 AM - 2:00 PM
20 feb 202519 feb 202518 feb 2025
20 mrt 202519 mrt 202518 mrt 2025
17 apr 202516 apr 202515 apr 2025
22 mei 202521 mei 202520 mei 2025
19 jun 202518 juni 202517 jun 2025
17 jul 202516 jul 202515 jul 2025
21 aug 202520 aug 202519 aug 2025
18 sep 202517 sep 202516 sep 2025
23 okt 202522 okt 202521 okt 2025
20 nov 202519 nov 202518 nov 2025
18 dec 202517 dec 202516 dec 2025

Throw away? Not at all!

Wil je verspilling tegen gaan? Je hoeft een kapotte stoel niet meteen weg te gooien. Ga ermee naar een repair café. Of geef je spullen een tweede leven en breng ze naar een kringloopwinkel. Heeft je lamp of telefoon het echt begeven? Lever je klein elektronisch afval in bij een e-waste inleverpunt. Vaak zijn deze te vinden bij supermarkten en winkels. Op deze manier draag je bij aan een duurzame samenleving! Hieronder vind je adressen van repair cafés, kringloopwinkels en e-waste inleverpunten bij jou in de buurt.

Repair cafés:

Thrift store:

e-waste collection points:

  • You must always return electrical appliances, loose batteries and accumulators separately. This is safe and produces valuable metals. In general, shops where batteries and electrical appliances can be purchased also have a return point. Looking for a drop-off point near you? Go to 'Find collection point' on the website below, enter your city or zip code and see the nearest collection points at a glance. You can also filter by the product you want to return: You must always return electrical appliances, loose batteries and accumulators separately. This is safe and produces valuable metals. In general, shops where batteries and electrical appliances can be purchased also have a return point. Looking for a drop-off point near you? Go to 'Find collection point' on the website below, enter your city or zip code and see the nearest collection points at a glance. You can also filter by the product you want to return: to give in is to get back – Wecycle

Bulky waste appointment

We can also collect bulky waste and pruning waste. There are costs and conditions attached to this. Click for the rules for putting out bulky waste and make an appointment.

Frequently asked questions closure recycling centre Nootdorp

Can I also go to other Avalex recycling centres with my Avalex pass?

You are welcome at all Avalex recycling centres with your Avalex pass. The nearest recycling centres are Rijswijk and Delft. These recycling centres have longer opening hours. The locations and opening hours can be found here: recycling centres opening hours. You will also find information about what you can take to the recycling centre and for which bulky waste you have to pay (PIN payment).

The recycling centres in Rijswijk and Delft are too far away for me. Help!

Does your bulky waste and small chemical waste (SCW) fit in a shopping bag? The mobile recycling centre may also offer a solution, in addition to the regular Avalex recycling centers where you are always welcome. You do not need to book in advance to visit this 'market truck' and it is free. The mobile recycling centre is one day a month in Nootdorp, Pijnacker and Delfgauw. The dates, location and time can be found at the top of this page.

What is the mobile recycling centre?

The mobile recycling centre is a movable 'market truck'. You can go to this 'market cart' with wood (such as a photo frame), metal (such as a frying pan), plastic (such as a flower box), small electrical appliances (such as a hair dryer), SCW (such as paint cans and batteries), frying fat, old paper and cardboard. Please note, the quantity must fit in a large shopping bag. Larger items belong at the recycling centres in Rijswijk and Delft. You do not need to book in advance to visit the mobile recycling centre and it is free. The mobile recycling centre is one day a month in Nootdorp, Pijnacker and Delfgauw. The dates, location and time can be found at the top of this page.

Is the mobile recycling centre free?


Do I have to make a reservation at the mobile recycling centre?

No, you don't have to.

Where can I go if I want to give my things a second life?

There are several repair cafés, thrift shops and e-waste collection points in Nootdorp and Pijnacker and surrounding areas: