Banner met oproep om langs compostdag te komen

My Avalex

Collection days and container locations

Waste collection calender

Avalex pass

Request an Avalex pass here

Pass request

Bulky waste

Have your waste collected at home

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Promotie downloaden Avalex app

Use the handy Avalex App!

Avalex has introduced the Avalex App. That’s good news for you, because with it you can take care of all your waste disposal activities in no time. You will always have a waste collection calendar at hand and if we should come by on a different day, you will be notified in advance. That’s handy!

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VFG waste and food leftovers

You put vegetable, fruit and garden waste (VFG) in the green container. But what else belongs here? Did you know, for example, that food leftovers are also allowed in the VFG container? We have put together a handy ‘What Belongs Where?’ list to help you. We can also offer you some tips on how to prevent your container from smelling bad.

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Plastic en metalen verpakkingen en drinkpakken

Plastic and Metal packaging and Drinks cartons

Almost all the packaging you find in the supermarket is made of plastic and metal and the drinks cartons can be put in the PMD container. These include things such as drinking cartons, empty plastic bottles, shampoo bottles, fruit juice cartons, soda cans, etc. These kinds of packaging are sorted at our final processor and converted into raw materials that we can use to make new packaging. The more packaging material that goes into this container, the better!

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Informatie verschillende afvalstromen

Information on types of waste

Here you can find more information on the different types of waste.

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Veel gestelde vragen

Frequently asked questions

Answers to questions on waste separation, collection times, bulky waste and much more.

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Klanten contact centrum

Customer Contact Centre

Do you have a question about the collection of
household waste?

Contact us